Liz Live and Uncensored

Friday, September 01, 2006

So I'm officially no longer unemployed! Thats right the South Park Y has sucked me into their crazy little family LOL. I'm actually kind of excited to be working there. They gave a decent amount of hours and the job isn't exactly high stress. Plus i'll get paid to color. I mean really what job is better than that???

In other news I was camping last weekend. If you know me at all, this will be a shocking admission. Liz and camping??? Why that goes together like peanut butter and a dirty ole sock! Overall I had a great time. It would have been better without the millions of mosquitos and the freezing my ass off in the tent (damn you dave and your blanket hogging!) but what can you do? The night produced many memorable pics (which you may have seen on Michelle's blog). Here are a few of my personal favs:

Where's your halo Dave?

Michelle packed my angry eyes!

Jack and Ennis

Those pictures make me wanna pack everything up and head out to the wilderness all over again, but perhaps this time i'll remember my snowsuit!


Blogger ShellRae said...

We had an awesome time!! I'm sure we could convince the boys to go again sometime!! I'm just happy it was only a squirrel who took our food and not a bear!! Atleast he liked my sandwich!

4:34 AM  

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