Liz Live and Uncensored

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Facebook is the devil!!! It has me completely neglecting this blog and I do apoligize. I don't have time for an indepth post regarding my fab trip to Florida but I thought i'd upload a few of my fav pics from the trip so you all can have a visual. Here's a peek:

Cinderella's Castle (That girl knows how to live!)

Goofy (why does he get to walk on two legs??)

Mickey and I (It's got to be a lady in there!)

Donald Duck shakin his tail feathers!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

As usual I have been completely neglecting my blog. Every time I say i'm going to keep this thing going and then i don't write on here for like a month. Oy vey! My discovery of Facebook has not been helping any in this neverending battle. It seems to me that Facebook is like the interentes version of crack!!! You are immediately addicted and need to spend every waking moment on it. It seriously is bad news. So after reading this do not go near Facebook unless you want hours of your day to just up and disappear (no but actually you should go there, so we can both be crackheads er, I mean friends.)

If you can't make it on over to the crack house, don't worry I'm still going to post some things on here. I won't leave lil old blogger behind (although I can never seem to login on the first try anymore.)

So I leave for Florida in a few days. WooHoo! Sunny weather here I come. Something has to be said for a place where temperature isn't measure with the words "feels like". Michelle and Steve-o threw me a going away party tonight. It was awesome, complete with pina coladas and nipple kitties, god that sounds dirty! We had a great time and took some excellent photos which unfortunately are still on Shell's camera. Speaking of photos, be prepared for an abundance of them when I return. My memory card holds 1000 pics and I'm certainly not afraid to use them!

Due to my trip I shockingly won't be posting on here for a couple weeks. How will you all survive??? I will leave you to ponder that. Tata!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ok so last post I said I wasn't going to be a tease and never post about New Years right.....cause well nobody likes teases....but here it is Jan 18th and no post. Oops. I have an honest explaination really...well one that accounts for part of the time that i was incommunicado for. See I got the damned Norwalk again. 3rd time in 3 months. This is what happens when you work with kids especially kids under 5 who sneeze on you and haven't mastered the whole washing of the hands when they come in contact with germs. If they weren't so darned cute!!!

I am recovered now tho and will give a recap of new years at 6969 Bayers Rd. It all started with the average evening at Nick's Bar, where I of course waitress. The evening was going great with all of the regualrs in attendance and a couple of new faces. Then this guy, some PI turned up dead in the bathroom and well everything went to hell. Everyone started accusing everyone else of murder and some skeletons came a sauntering out of closets they had been residing in for years. Thanks to my (and the pregger feminists) detective work we figured out that the slutty old barfly, Michelle was our murderer. Turns out she was in cahoots with the PI and they were trying to scam Colin the hopeful politican out of some money. Apparently their relationship turned sour and Michelle had to give the shaft to the PI, whch is really strange cause usually shes the one on the receivng end of anything involving a shaft. Oh I kid b/c I care.

Sounds crazy huh? And so that nite was. Everything appeared to be a major success and aside from a few minor groping incidents I think everyone left happy and a less little coordinated then when they entered.

In more recent news, our apartment building made the 6 o'clock news recently. Apparently some chickie a few floors down left some clothes on a lamp cord and the place went up in smoke. Michelle and I didn't take the fire alarm seriously and told my firefighter mom to sit back down that it was prolly a stupid drill. This was not case however as a few seconds later the super comes running down the hall yelling fire. I thought i was well prepared for a moment like this, having run many scenarios over in my head, but when my mother said grab what you want to take I went blank and only hurried Statler out the door sans carrier I might add. It was all kind of crazy. There we were mom, nanny, Michelle and I, who was stupidly only clad in pjs out in front of the building in the -20 degreee afternoon. BBBRRR. Not fun. They evetually moved us to the other building for some warmth. There Michelle and I tried to keep each other from thinking about just how ill we were with Norwalk and how the ctv camera man had just filmed us in our viral glory. It was good times. 2 hours later we returned to our building unscathed and only a little worse for the wear. Oh our apartment is just fine in case you were wondering.

So today I cut my hair. And no not just a trim. I actually cut it...a cut where you can tell I cut it. I mean its still long but it's definitely different than before. I'll post some pics soon. I hope you all like it. Anyways I should run Thursday tv is starting....wait false alarm....whats going on....Grissom is on CSI and has a I smell a rerun?!?!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Just a quick post regarding New Years. A longer post will follow later but for now I will tease you all with some pictures of the nights festivities. I know, I know I shouldn't tease, but I swear I'm going to finish what I started unlike some people!!! Enjoy!

The Sexy hostesses of the evening

Pretty Decorations

Colin and Amy chilling in the kitchen

The "Happy New Year" cupcakes

Michelle after one too many drinks!!

Steve jammin to Erasure

Sandra trying new things in 07

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

So it's almost been 3 months since I posted something on here...Wow...thats kind of crazy. Who knew work could keep a person so busy??? I really should have been informed. Aside from the being crazy busy part, things are good here at 6969 Bayers Rd. A lot has happened since my last post but i'm promising myself this is not going to turn into one of those posts that require pee breaks.

The biggest change in my life was probably the fact that i'm now working 2 jobs. In addition to fun times at the Y, I'm also nannying for one of the cutest and dare I say oddest babies on the planet. Her name is Sophia, she's 14 months old and everyday with that child is an adventure. A day does not pass without some new quirky behavior being discovered. She also eats everything in sight. If its on the floor it's probably going in her mouth. I can't wait for the holidays when she begins pooping out pine needles LOL.

I've driven her to drink!

Christmas preparations are going well. I have about half of my Christmas shopping complete and am just waiting for some moola to finish the rest. Although I am excited about the holiday season, Christmas will be tough this year for my family and in a way I'm not looking forward to part of it at all. This year will mark the 1 year anniversary of my uncle Gary's death and the end of a christmas tradition. Every year the whole family would go to his and other nanny's home for Christmas Eve. It was truly one of the only family traditions we have and it was definitely something I looked forward to the whole holiday season. This year I don't know what will happen that night, but whatever it is, it will feel like somethings missing.

I really don't want to end this post on such a sad note. It wouldn't be fair to all you people who will help to make my holidays happy. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and giving you all the fabulous presents I have carefully picked out for each of you. My travel plans involve returning home to Pictou County on the 20th of December for a 10 day stay before heading back to the big bad city for New Years Eve. This will give me just enough time at home to spend with everyone but not enough to lose my mind with boredom (fingers crossed).

Well I feel I've said enough for one post. Sorry bout the roller coaster ride of emotions. It's the damn hormones I swear!!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

So I'm officially no longer unemployed! Thats right the South Park Y has sucked me into their crazy little family LOL. I'm actually kind of excited to be working there. They gave a decent amount of hours and the job isn't exactly high stress. Plus i'll get paid to color. I mean really what job is better than that???

In other news I was camping last weekend. If you know me at all, this will be a shocking admission. Liz and camping??? Why that goes together like peanut butter and a dirty ole sock! Overall I had a great time. It would have been better without the millions of mosquitos and the freezing my ass off in the tent (damn you dave and your blanket hogging!) but what can you do? The night produced many memorable pics (which you may have seen on Michelle's blog). Here are a few of my personal favs:

Where's your halo Dave?

Michelle packed my angry eyes!

Jack and Ennis

Those pictures make me wanna pack everything up and head out to the wilderness all over again, but perhaps this time i'll remember my snowsuit!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wow. To say I'm in shock would prolly be the understatement of the year. I can't believe it actually happened....and after wanting it so bad I'm left wondering where to now?